I’ve felt motivated to start a blog since I initially set up this site in October of last year. Unfortunately, my motivation stopped at having to actually put my words to screen. How does that happen? For starters, I realized that my life or musings on life couldn’t possibly be interesting to anyone outside of myself and potentially the man sitting in a plush leather chair repeatedly asking “Well, how does that make you feel?”. Honestly it makes me feel like the hourly rate he’s receiving is a bit extravagant considering all he can come up with is “How does that make you feel?”.
Initially I figured this would be a great way to create accountability for my run training. After a lackluster year in 2007 of poor races and a DNF (Did Not Finish for those of you out there who don’t have to deal with ridiculously haunting all CAPS acronyms), I had the idea to announce my training and racing to the world so that I would have someone to answer to. Surely my family and closest friends would read my blog…or not. I began to feel slightly guilty for the self-serving nature of my blog intentions but soon realized “Hey, if not for myself, then for who?”. You know what I’m sayin’? Despite the brilliance of the accountability idea, I simply couldn’t get anything going.
Life Log December 2007…still unmotivated…losing fitness…losing interest in school…have an amazing, beautiful wife…have a wonderful family…have the greatest friends a guy could have…WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?
There was no problem. Just an enormous amount of self-pity and doubt. There are times in life when we go the darkest that it hands us the brightest flashlight that can be had. My flashlight came in the form of the announcement of my wife’s pregnancy. Yeah, that’s right, pregnancy. I know. I nearly threw-up also. Oh, you didn’t feel that way. Must of been something I ate. The idea of fatherhood got me jazzed about things. I mean, come on, a kid. I’m not so naive as to not realize that the sleepless nights, mustard packet diaper explosions, and shrill cries will be a pain in the ass. But I like to think that our little bouncing bundle of joy will make it all worthwhile.
This all brings me to today, February 4,2008. I decided that my blog can serve a twofold purpose. First of all, the blog can serve as a means to communicate to friends and family the process of me becoming a father. I see it as a way to document and remind myself of the amazing life I have. Secondly, it can serve as a forum for me to share my running goals,training, and experiences. There is something incredibly gratifying about talking to others and yourself through the written word.
I look forward to the coming months and am excited about the changes slated to take place in 2008. Thanks for reading and take care of yourselves. I’ll talk to you all soon.
Welcome to the real world (having someone depend on your every move and decision). The beauty of being a parent. I think this is a good reason to schedule a long run. I want to keep you accountable.
I am excited about your blog and even more excited about being an uncle! It was great talking to you the other day...let's do that more often. I love you dude!
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